How Much Staff Do You Need for an Event?

6 Tips to Know to Select Accurate Staff for Your Event

Whether you are planning a small or large event, hiring a team with the right skills and experience is very crucial. It not only helps leave a lasting impression on your guests but also ensures that your event runs smoothly. From guest interactions to food service, event staff ensure the success of your event.

However, one of the toughest tasks for event managers is to decide how much staff they need for an event.

Here are some tips that can help you estimate how many people you need in your team to keep your event running smoothly.

Dividing the Staff Based on Their Roles

First, you need to define the role of staff for your event. These roles can include registration staff, management staff, technical team, catering team, trade show booth staff, etc.

  1. Management Team:

These are the professionals who run the event. You need less staff in this category. Generally, you should hire one professional in the management team per hundred guests. With the event staff agency in Chicago, you can hire professional models to run your event efficiently.

  1. General Event Staff:

These are the people who assist guests, sell tickets, help with set-up, etc. You may think that the more people you hire, the easier it will be to get things done. Unfortunately, that’s not always true. Overstaffing not only has an impact on your budget, but it can also negatively affect the flow of your event. For general event staffing, it is recommended to have five to six people per hundred attendees.

  1. Technical Staff:

You’ll need a few technicians to handle the complicated needs of your event. Technical teams may not be required for every type of event. If you are planning a conference with audio or visual activities, you are going to need technical team. The number of technical staff you need varies based on the use of technology at the event.

  1. Security Staff:

The security of guests is a top priority that you can never afford to skimp. It usually depends on the size of the venue and the number of guests. Generally, one security guard for every hundred people at your event is enough.  Depending on the size of your event venue, you may decide to hire an additional security guard.

  1. Catering Staff:

As a general rule, you will require one bartender per 50 guests and one server per 25 guests. You can also give your event catering agency an estimate of how many people you are expecting at the event. After evaluating this number, the agency will provide event catering staff in Dallas for your event.

  1. Promotional Team:

Determining the number of people, you need in your promotional team depends mainly on the goal of your event. You also want to consider the guests you expect at the event.

Generally, it is recommended to have one promotional model for every fifty attendees. Depending on your budget and the goals you want to achieve you can decide the number of promotional teams you need.


Planning an event can be a daunting task, especially if you’re a novice event planner. Defining the role of your event team can be a great way to determine the size of your event team. Additionally, you want to keep in mind your event goal, target audience, and budget.

Still confused? Do you need help deciding the number of staff you need for an event? Get in touch with us for efficient staffing solutions that are tailored to your event. Runway Waiters is a leading event staffing agency in Chicago, providing experienced and skilled models for all types of events.